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I receive a lot of requests for help with setting up files/charts (most often in Excel).  Occasionally I think people try to challenge me on purpose by setting certain restrictions. In one case, I was given a table of weekly numbers and asked to visually highlight if one week was higher or lower than the […]

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Styles In Word

Note : This applies to MS Word 2010 and later.  For earlier versions of Word the steps involved maybe different. Styles in Word allow you to quickly format sections of your document – headings, subheadings, paragraphs, indents, etc. When putting together a large document, I use the Styles mostly to highlight headings and subheadings.  One […]

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Thinking outside the package

“Thinking outside the box” is a well known phrase referring to thinking beyond the obvious or perceived limitations (the box), or to throw in a movie reference ‘there is no spoon’. I have a new phrase “Thinking outside the package” – so far it hasn’t caught on, but if “was-sup” can, why can’t “Thinking outside […]

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