
Category Archives for "Excel Lessons"


Continuing the series of posts about useful, but sometimes underused Excel formulas, this post will give you an introduction to SUMPRODUCT. SUMPRODUCT is one formula that pretty much combines two together. SUM : When you add two or more numbers together, the result of these is the “SUM” of them. PRODUCT : When you multiply […]

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How to get filename in Excel

  As a follow on from the last post, I was asked how to get filename in Excel using similar formulas. This can be done with the formula below. =MID(CELL(“filename”),(SEARCH(“[“,CELL(“filename”))+1),(SEARCH(“]”,CELL(“filename”))-6-(SEARCH(“[“,CELL(“filename”))))) Really simple isn’t it?  I bet you were wondering how you didn’t figure it out yourself!! This combines 3 formulas, MID, CELL, and SEARCH. I’ll […]

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The COUNTIF formula is another very useful formula in Excel for analysing data and getting more information from it. If you have not already read these posts, please take a few minutes to read them now. The post on brackets and commas will show you how to break down longer formulas making them easier to […]

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IF Statements

IF statements are usually thought relatively early in Excel courses soon after addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.  For this reason I guess a lot of people consider them to be “basic” formulas.  However, you would probably be surprised by the number of questions I get about IF statements.  Some people don’t fully understand them or find […]

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I receive a lot of requests for help with setting up files/charts (most often in Excel).  Occasionally I think people try to challenge me on purpose by setting certain restrictions. In one case, I was given a table of weekly numbers and asked to visually highlight if one week was higher or lower than the […]

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